Table 3: Empirical Oral Antibiotic Treatment for SOT Recipients with Lower UTI Infection (Cystitis)a,b,c

Antibiotic Dose (mg) Interval
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazoled,e 160/800 q12h
Norfloxacinf 400 q12h
Ciprofloxacinf 500 q12h
Levofloxacinf 500 q24h
Cefixime 400 q24h
Nitrofurantoin 100 q6h
Amoxicillin plus clavulanate 500 q12h

aDose modification is necessary in renal failure

bRegimens of 10-14 days are preferred for SOT recipients

c Previous microbiological results of the patients should be considered. Susceptibility of the pathogen to selected antibiotic must be confirmed with in vitro susceptibility testing of the urine sample

dNot appropriate as empirical treatment for SOT under prophylaxis with this antibiotic

eEmpirical use limited to those geographical areas where frequency of resistance is less than 20%

fFluorquinolones should be avoided in pregnancy, nursing mothers and adolescents younger than 17 years-old